The World of Gerard van Oost and Oludara

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Review from the Blog Boy With Letters

Daniel Perez, author of the Spanish blog Boy With Letters, published a review about the Encuentro Fortuito, the first ebook in the #ElephantMacaw series released in Spain. Daniel compares the adventures of Gerard and Oludara with “The Witcher”, a series of books that later became the famous game franchise with the same name.

Reviews From Spain

Lots of reviews about the Encuentro Fortuito were published in Spain since its release in April. Find out how the Brazilian Mythology was received in the other side of the Atlantic:

– The Sentido de la Maravilla published:
“Tengo que empezar diciendo que, desde que escuché que Sportula iba a publicar la serie de La enseña del elefante y el guacamayo, la obra pasó a estar entre aquellas a las que más ganas les tenía”, wrote Pablo Bueno.

– Santiago Soláns, author of the blog Saga Comics, wrote:
“Kastensmidt, mediante una mezcla explosiva entre mitologías, diálogos muy bien escritos, algo de acción y misterio, mucho humor, tensión y peligro, ofrece una aventura de corte clásico que sobresale por el poco explotado exotismo de folclore, cuentos populares y bestiarios «fantásticos» africanos y brasileños”.

– From Literatura Fantastica:
“Todo lo anterior ofrece como resultado una prosa que atrapa desde un principio al lector, una narración asentada en un tono excelente, buenos diálogos, acertadas reflexiones y abundante sentido del humor”, wrote Mariano Villarreal.

– Fran Vidal from the blog Abro la Puerta y Miro:
“En fín, una lectura harto recomendable que se devora en un momento, a un precio inigualable y que espero que haya tenido el éxito suficiente para ser continuada. El único problema es que solo se puede conseguir en digital, pero espero que la editorial saque algún recopilatorio en papel.”

– The author of the blog Baul de Libros wrote:
“La brevedad de esta primera obra hace que apenas hayamos tastado toda la frescura e originalidad que es capaz de ofrecer Kastensmidt en esta particular saga”.

Winner of the 3rd Hydra Competition of Fantastic Literature

Camila Fernandes wins an unprecedented second Hydra Competition

May 17th, 2017

Chosen from a group of more than 150 stories published previously in Brazil, Camila Fernandes’s “Best of the Three” is the winner of the 3rd Hydra Competition of Fantastic Literature. The win marks Camila’s second straight victory in the competition.

The story was chosen by the staff of Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show from among three finalists, selected by a panel of judges last year which included Brazilian literary personalities Fábio M. Barreto, Claudia Fusco e Daniel Borba. “Best of the Three”, a tale inspired by Greek mythology, will appear in the October issue of the magazine. It was originally published in the anthology Bestiário 2 – outras criaturas (“Bestiary 2 – other creatures”) by Editora Ornitorrinco.

Scott M. Roberts, editor of Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show writes: “IGMS is happy to participate in the Hydra Awards again, and especially pleased to see such strong finalists.  We’re excited to be the platform by which Camila Fernandes’s excellent mythology, “The Best of the Three”, comes to English-speakers, and look forward to seeing more work from Brazil in the future.  Many thanks to Christopher Kastensmidt and Tiago Castro for putting this award together, and for bringing IGMS into the picture.”

Tiago Castro, contest organizer says: “It’s always a great honor to organize a competition so important for Brazilian fantastic literature and I’m very happy to have completed another edition in a great way. I thank Christopher Kastensmidt and IGMS for this opportunity, and this edition’s judges: Fábio M. Barreto, Claudia Fusco, and Daniel Borba, who aided me in the arduous task of choosing just three stories.”

The other finalist stories included “The Last Enchantress of Florence”, by Carol Chiovatto, and “The Lady and the Poet”, by Walter Tierno.

The Hydra Competition is a partnership between the electronic magazine Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show, Christopher Kastensmidt’s The Elephant and Macaw Banner, and Tiago Castro’s Universo Insônia. The award seeks to expose the best of Brazil’s speculative fiction to English readers around the world.

About Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show

Founded by multiple-award winning author Orson Scott Card and edited by Scott M. Roberts, IGMS is an award-winning bimonthly online magazine publishing illustrated science fiction and fantasy short stories, audio stories, interviews, reviews, and more. Authors range from established pros like Peter Beagle and David Farland to first-time authors making their professional debut.  IGMS can be found at


About The Elephant and Macaw Banner

The Elephant and Macaw Banner is a fantasy series set in sixteenth-century Brazil.  The stories tell the adventures of Gerard van Oost and Oludara, an unlikely pair of heroes who meet in Salvador.  News, artwork, and in-depth explanations of historical and cultural references from the series can be found at the website


About Universo Insônia

The site Universo Insônia (Insomnia Universe) publishes articles, news, and reviews on fantastic literature, cinema, comics, TV series, cartoons, and fantasy pop culture in general.  The site’s principal objective is publicizing and supporting professionals in the area of Brazilian fantasy culture.  The site also contains content about traditional and international productions.