Worldcon panel on non-Tolkienesque fantasy
One of my Worldcon highlights this year was the panel entitled “F*** Your Knight and the Horse he Rode in on: Fantasy Series not Based on Medieval European Culture”. This panel featured Aliette de Bodard, Ken Scholes, Saladin Ahmed, and myself as moderator.
The room was packed–standing room only with people spilling out into the hallway. We spent an hour discussing fantasy series that break away from the typical Medieval Western European settings, and the crowd loved it. All the panelists were amazing, and fielded some pointed questions from the audience. The panel proved there is a great demand out there for fantasy series like The Elephant and Macaw Banner. I had people stopping me in the halls to congratulate me for the rest of the con.
The Untitled Convention Project filmed the panel and put about a quarter of it online. I hope you enjoy it!
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