The Fortuitous Meeting free for Amazon customers in Canada, Australia, the UK and more!

The first book of The Elephant and Macaw Banner, The Fortuitous Meeting, is now FREE for Amazon customers in Canada, Australia, UK, the Netherlands and Mexico! It’s also still available for free to Amazon customers in the U.S. and Brazil. Now, the adventures of Gerard and Oludara have crossed even more borders!

Have you read the series yet? Consider grabbing a free copy of the first book here, and get to know this world of muskets and magic!


Christopher Kastensmidt in Author Spotlight of Unreliable Authors

Christopher was recently interviewed by the amazing team from Unreliable Authors Podcast. Both Christopher and the whole team are graduates of the Viable Paradise writer’s workshop, and one of them, Catherine Schaff-Stump, interviewed Christopher way back in 2012, at Writer Tamago, which only makes the moment even more special, seeing how far everything has come along.

The podcast is almost an hour long, and delves into Brazilian speculative fiction and the Elephant and Macaw Banner series. You can check it out here.

Many thanks to the Unreliable Narrators team: Catherine SchaffStump, Chia Evers, Christopher Cornell, and George Galuschak!


More reviews for The Elephant and Macaw Banner series

We’ve had lots of good news recently with two recent releases and the launch of book 6 just a week away. And if that’s not enough, we just received two great reviews.

Elias F. Combarro, from the Sense of Wonder Blog, wrote this awesome review for the two new books. María Leticia Lara Palomino, from Fantástica – Ficción, also wrote this amazing review (in spanish) for the new books.

Leticia calls book #4 her favorite, in which we get to see how the heroes behave when they’re separated.

Elias writes:

“In these two new stories I had the chance of enjoying, once more, all the elements that I really loved in the three previous ones: excellent prose, fun adventures, intelligent dialog, charming characters, fascinating Brazilian folklore and a wonderful sense of humor….All in all, these are two excellent additions to a series that is quickly becoming my favourite in the genre of sword and sorcery.”

Sense of Wonder

Thank you so much, Elias and María!
