3 Responses to ““Fortuitous Meeting” available for a short time on the Realms of Fantasy website”

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    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Roberto Causo, Elephant and Macaw. Elephant and Macaw said: New entry: : "Fortuitous Meeting" available for a short time on the Realms of Fantasy website http://bit.ly/e4UvAs […]


    Good morning,

    My name is Arnaud DUFOURCQ – I live in France and may gran Father was Albert DUFOURCQ an historian spécialized on catholic history.
    On your site, i saw a paint with a name of painter “Albert DUFOURCQ” !!!
    It’s a surprise !! Who was this DUFOURCQ ALBERT? Not my gran father but …..
    Ca you send me un PDF of this paint named ” la baye de tous les saints” wright in french !!!
    thank’s a lot
    Arnaud DUFOURCQ – France adress : 31 bis rue DESAIX – 44000 Nantes – France

    • Christopher Kastensmidt


      Thank you for visiting the website!

      I discovered that lithograph in a wonderful book entitled “Imagens de Vilas e Cidades do Brasil Colonial”. You can see it also appears on the cover of the book:

      It was drawn in 1782, and resides in the Historic Institute of Bahia in Salvador. (Instituto Histórico da Bahia). Let me know your e-mail address and I can send you an image.

      If you don’t want to post your e-mail here, you can find my e-mail at the bottom of my author’s bio.


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