Loncon 3 schedule
I’ll be at this year’s 72nd World Science Fiction Convention in London (Loncon 3) from August 13th through the 19th, representing UniRitter and The Elephant and Macaw Banner.
For anyone who’s interested, here’s my schedule. If you’re there, please look me up!
Representing Indigenous Cultures in Speculative Fiction
Saturday 12:00 – 13:30
Three academics eavh give a presentation by a jointly held 30 minute discussion and Q&A with the audience.
- Christopher Kastensmidt, “Simone Saueressig and the Indigenous Epic”
- Maureen Kincaid Speller, “The Silence of the Indian: Representations of Indigenous North Americans in Science Fiction and Fantasy”
- Gillan Polack, “Old cultures, new fictions: introducing three Indigenous Australian writers of speculative fiction”
Ronald Meyers (M), Christopher Kastensmidt(ckastens@gmail.com
The World at Worldcon: Latin American SF/F
Sunday 15:00 – 16:30
Sadly, relatively little SF from the Latin American world makes it to Anglophone readers — some notable examples include the Cosmos Latinos anthology and the novels of Angelica Gorodischer. Which other writers should Anglophone readers be on the lookout for? Which countries in South America have the strongest national SF traditions or markets? What regional themes or characteristics are identifiable?
Silvia G. Kurlat Ares (M), Fabio Fernandes(zeroabsoluto@gmail.